Sunday, August 16, 2015

Riding Horses

My Dad has a full grown gentle pony, an old slow horse, and 15 acres of riding land behind his house. 

Hand Walking Dustin on the Pony

 Watching the Pony Rides
 Jacob could live on that Horse. It's good for Jacob, the Peanut, and me.

 Kathy on Brego. She is learning so much and looks so good doing it. She loves that horse and that horse loves her. They have a special bond. The sheep love the horses, too. They follow the horses every where we go.
 Me on Brego. I wore my boots, but I have yoga pants on to compensate for the heat. He's a good boy. 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Happy Anniversary

A week ago yesterday, August 5th, I celebrated my 4th wedding anniversary to the most compassionate, thoughtful, strong, handsome, and amazing (even though I could I'm not going to fill this post up with adjectives about my man) husband in the world---no wait, universe. I can not express how thankful I am for him and all of the courage (which I lack) he gives me. 

In lieu of gifts, Kris sent me to a day spa where I got a message and a pedicure. That day of pampering was better than any tangible gift, even though he is a pretty good gift picker-outer. We had a very romantic date. We got dressed up and went to dinner at Rock Creek. Wednesday steak and lobster (my fav!) is their special, so guess what we got. We had so much fun talking and day dreaming about our future. After dinner we went home and I made cookies and we put vanilla ice cream on top. MMM MM they were delic. The best dessert in the world is when hot and cold collide.  

The next day, listening to the radio-celebrity gossip (guilty pleasure) I heard that Jennifer Aniston got married to her BF on August 5th. My long time favorite actress. That was icing on the cake.

I can't wait to find out what is in store for our 5th anniversary. Sometimes it is pretty crazy how life can change in 1 year. Here is too possibly having a child.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Our Weekend in McCall

The last weekend in May, Kris and I decided to rent our dream bike and ride to McCall for a much needed couples retreat. The bike was beautiful and rode like a dream!

The whole way winding and weaving through the mountains and trees we followed the river. This was only my second time being on this road and it was stunning!

I love being in the open air and feeling the wind on my skin. And with all the flowers and trees in full bloom there were so many appetizing smells to take in.

On the way to McCall, to rest our bums and legs we took a couple breaks. We couldn't have asked for better weather. The most amazing thing I saw were two bald eagles flying along the river. It was beautiful. #propsmomnature
That night for dinner we went to the McCall Brewing Company and ate until we were stuffed.
 The next morning, for breakfast (my favorite meal of the day) we went to the Pancake House. I had the most delicious hot chocolate that reminded me so much of Christmas and the biggest chocolate chip pancake I have ever seen. 
On the way home, again we made a couple rest stops. Crossing this bridge was a trip with the moving water beneath us and us trying to walk a straight line. Let me tell you-it wasn't easy.

My favorite place to be in the world is on a bike behind my husband. The ride and weekend were rejuvenating. Now I'm ready to finish out the school year with a bang!  

Monday, June 1, 2015

BlackLight Bubble Party 5k

It is a norm for my sister-in-law, Tawnya, and me to take our nieces out and have great adventures around our town and in our community. Last time we went skating at Skateland then had a slumber party. This time we did the 5k BlackLight Party and let me tell you it was a great party.  

We started with decorating the white T-shirts that came with registration. The girls had a great time using the neon markers to make their aunts glow with style. Recently I found out when washed the markers wash away and now I are left with a plain white shirt. Next time, I'm boycotting washing my shirt.
Lately, the weather has been rainy and windy here in Southern Idaho and this day was no exception. We were apprehensive to going and running in the mud. But, we decided this was once in a life time and despite the weather we went any ways. We had multi layers and umbrellas in the car, just in case.
The event started at 8:45pm and by the time we got there the wind and rain had stopped. 
There was a choice to run and/or walk a 2k or a 5k. Half way through the course there would be a turning point and you would be able to decide-finish with having done a 2k or continue on and complete the 5k. Before it all started, Tawnya and I talked about walking the 2k. Well, the girls had a different plan. Adrenalin was pumping and when we were released to go the girls started running. To keep track of our energy filled minis we ran to follow them. After a while Samantha stopped running, but the other two kept going. Tawnya stopped to walk with Samantha and I kept running to keep track of the other two. I was pumped and doing pretty good, but, I needed a rest. We walked for a bit then kept running. When the turning point came to finish or keep going I was out voted and we kept going. They were amazing. When I needed a break to catch my breath they would skip and do cart wheels right beside me. At the end of the course there was a BlackLight Bubble dance party. We closed the party down.
When the bubbles would pop on our skin the spots would glow!
My first 5k was a success. Between the running and dancing we were shedding clothes by the end of the night.
 We had a blast! If they come to Idaho again we are ready to sign up!