Monday, June 1, 2015

BlackLight Bubble Party 5k

It is a norm for my sister-in-law, Tawnya, and me to take our nieces out and have great adventures around our town and in our community. Last time we went skating at Skateland then had a slumber party. This time we did the 5k BlackLight Party and let me tell you it was a great party.  

We started with decorating the white T-shirts that came with registration. The girls had a great time using the neon markers to make their aunts glow with style. Recently I found out when washed the markers wash away and now I are left with a plain white shirt. Next time, I'm boycotting washing my shirt.
Lately, the weather has been rainy and windy here in Southern Idaho and this day was no exception. We were apprehensive to going and running in the mud. But, we decided this was once in a life time and despite the weather we went any ways. We had multi layers and umbrellas in the car, just in case.
The event started at 8:45pm and by the time we got there the wind and rain had stopped. 
There was a choice to run and/or walk a 2k or a 5k. Half way through the course there would be a turning point and you would be able to decide-finish with having done a 2k or continue on and complete the 5k. Before it all started, Tawnya and I talked about walking the 2k. Well, the girls had a different plan. Adrenalin was pumping and when we were released to go the girls started running. To keep track of our energy filled minis we ran to follow them. After a while Samantha stopped running, but the other two kept going. Tawnya stopped to walk with Samantha and I kept running to keep track of the other two. I was pumped and doing pretty good, but, I needed a rest. We walked for a bit then kept running. When the turning point came to finish or keep going I was out voted and we kept going. They were amazing. When I needed a break to catch my breath they would skip and do cart wheels right beside me. At the end of the course there was a BlackLight Bubble dance party. We closed the party down.
When the bubbles would pop on our skin the spots would glow!
My first 5k was a success. Between the running and dancing we were shedding clothes by the end of the night.
 We had a blast! If they come to Idaho again we are ready to sign up!

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